Deb & I won this trip to the Mayan Riviera just by being members of "The Smooth Jazz Listener Club". Not only is this ONE great Detroit radio station... we went to Mexico!!! 

To see photos of our trip, click here 

It is easy to join! click here


How do they sell such great speakers for such a low price?

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No wires, no microphones, no pickups...The Intellitouch Tuner "feels" the pitch.

The new revolutionary IntellitouchTM tuner is designed to tune stringed instruments including violins, electric or acoustic guitars, basses, banjos, mandolins and more.

IntellitouchTM is ideal for everyone. Its ease of use, accuracy and reliability is what beginners need and professionals want. The unique, flexible clamp actually "feels" the pitch and allows maximum visibility of the backlit LCD display.

And, on stage or in the studio it is quick, accurate, and Easy As A•B•C.#

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The pickup savvy players are raving about...

John Patitucci: "The most natural sounding pick-up I've ever heard. You wouldn't believe the sound of it through my rig. It feels great -- I'm totally into it. I'm really happy with it. It's easy, I love it. I can go from pizzicato to arco without any hesitation."

Michael Moore: "The best Arco sound of them all. The Realist™sounds the most like a microphone without the problem of feedback."

Jay Leonhart: "The Realist™ is absolutely the best sounding pickup I have ever used. It creates a sound and texture that is very much like the instrument it is on, and you really feel like you are playing acoustically. Yet it can still crank out a lot of sound. Try it."

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Keynote Music Drills is an excellent shareware program for Windows 95 & 98 that helps improve site reading.

The program plays or shows a note on a staff, which you enter it's pitch name. There are several other exercises also It can be customized to train pitch recognition also. The program can be used in classrooms or at home. Best of all, it's shareware so you can try before you buy. PC only

To download the trial version, click here


Twelve Tone Systems - Cakewalk Express

Now there's a small version solution of Cakewalk!

Cakewalk has been known as one of the best computer based multi-track recorders. It uses your soundcard to record audio and midi either sequentially or simultaneously. The down side is that Cake Walk Pro Audio costs hundreds of dollars. Cakewalk has entered in their latest solution for only $20. It's still a multitrack recorder, but has less of the features. This can be a plus for the recreational user, because it simplifies use. It can do two tracks of audio and midi. This is all users with regular grade sound cards such as the Sound Blaster needs. It can still print the Midi to notation. PC only.

Visit Cakewalk


NoteWorthy Composer is a Shareware music composition and notation processor for Windows. It allows you to create, record, edit, print, and play back your own musical scores.

To download the trial version, click here is a free service that lets musicians register personalized e-mail addresses.

The .st domain is a top level domain that works just like .com domains WORLD WIDE!

MusicMail is new, click on your instrument and get the login you want like:

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