The Jagged Edge


"Reunion Tour" Concert Info

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There's a Rumor going around...

...the original Jagged Edge?  in the studio after 30 years to take care of some unfinished business?... Hmmmmm

Stoney - rehearsing some harmonies Ira - warming up for some wild guitar riffs Glen is driving with Jeff and Ira looking on Stoney and Ira getting ready for some over-dubs
Ira - hard at work "Mitch-Weasul" The vocal chords get the cobwebs blown off Stoney and Ira getting serious
"...Like chewin' on tinfoil..." Harmony track Adjusting the headphones mix Vintage Jazz bass for some vintage 'Edge
I can't tell you how privileged I feel to be a part of this session. Glen Preston performing his magic Stoney layin' down a vocal track Looks like a wrap!
Hear the songs!!!

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