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Bob and Ann are two of the outstanding keyboard players in "the band" (CTR). They are amazingly precise and add such feeling to the music. I have seen them perform all types of music under the most difficult conditions. I'm convinced that there is nothing that they can't perform beautifully. Don Martus makes up #3 of the 4  keybords in "the band" Not only is he a fine musician, singer, and sound technician, from his style of playing, I'd bet that he taught Keith Emerson a few licks... Here is Don again with his wife, Mari. Mari is the director for the CTR choir and also plays  keyboard #4 as well as harp. I can't possibly express my thanks to her for bringing me back into the world of music.  Pat Cooper is one of two guitar players in "the band". He also leads an Irish band (kind of seasonal work but lots of fun).
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Here is George Sinnott in action - He also is the bandleader for the Night Lights. He is "world class" in his talents. You should hear him solo. These are some of the singers in the CTR kids chorus. They always steal the show.  This is what the kids look like when they "grow up". I think they are called the adult reindeer choir.  
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Yes those ARE tape recorder microphones! - Mine is taped to a birdcage stand - coool! April '64 - a 12 year old with a Les Paul Custom!!! Don and  I with our prized possessions - Don was a late bloomer...  

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The Crystal Maze "In concert". This was a job that my dad got for us - it was a bowling banquet for his work associates. We actually did dance music. The Crystal Maze a few years later  
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This is me in 1970 when I was in the Original Jagged Edge. I replaced Harry Cataranciuc

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The Jagged Edge in their first performance of "The ReunionTour" - The Magic Bag - 2003

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My brother and me in mom's basement (you can't see the tequila bottle from this angle). His jazz style (he used to back up Earl Klugh) is unmatched.  I think that all that tequila made my forehead grow!
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I used to use my fretless before I got the Kay That's my wife Deb on the percussion (how come she's the only one who knows about the camera?) I think Frank hurt himself The jazz in action
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The Night Lights rhythm section (one revision back) with Phil Campbell soloing on trumpet As if the arthritis, failing memory, and carpel tunnel weren't enough - I had to have my contacts adjusted to give me 3 ft. focal length for reading music The backside of my Kay  - I had it for about 2 weeks when we played this gig. What does that sign say...'dumb looks are still free'

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In concert with the 'Christ the Redeemer Choir'   The North Oakland Concert Band - I am the only string so it is still a "band"

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The Night Lights in concert - February 2001 Night Lights Dixieland Combo Joe Palace Center Stage The Night Lights with Pia Broden

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  Sample Songs The Night Lights Rhythm Section